Delve deeper with Insights Discovery

Emotional Intelligence is what sets nearly 90% of high performers apart. Learn how we can help develop your personal effectiveness and boost your team's productivity.

Build a high performing team.

You can be intelligent (high IQ), you can have a great plan and product or service, but it’s been proven that high performing teams really come from leaders and team members with high Emotional Intelligence (EQ).

The good news is, just like a skill, you can develop your EQ and we use Insights Discovery to help you do it. We help people understand themselves better, others better and then easily adapt and connect with others. Insights Discovery resolves conflict, improves communication and helps teams see the value of each other’s contribution at work.

How it works -
Once our online evaluator is completed, each person receives an Insights Discovery Personal Profile.
We feed this back to you individually or in teams using a language of colour that is simple to understand and remember. This means you continue to use the colour terminology on a daily basis. It’s learning that sticks.

Teams move at the speed of trust

Discovering Team Effectiveness

We work with your team to explain the profiles, help the team understand their strengths and weaknesses and create a plan to deal with them. We help your team understand how to best communicate with each other and what their unique value is they bring to the team.

All done in an experiential, fun and engaging way over 3-4 hours - tailored to address any particular team challenges you face.

Discovering Sales Effectiveness

We work with your sales team to improve their ability to build relationships quickly and effectively, exceed their sales targets and learn to be more effective at every stage of the sale. You will leave the workshop with an individual action plan to achieve your sales potential.

We are an Insights Discovery Partner, meaning we have been fully trained and accredited and are licensed to distribute the profiles. Insights Discovery is validated by the British Psychological Society.

Have a look at what some of the 1,000 + delegates who have been on one of workshops say-

A few clients we've made whole again.

David and Helen have done training with our management team that has helped to better understand ourselves and each other through Insights, which was extremely valuable in improving communication and has brought the team closer together.

From the results we’ve seen overall it’s been a great investment in time and money, but best of all they’re lovely people to work with.

— Jack Dale

Managing Director Wrendale Designs Ltd

Lets get a coffee.


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