Hands on Advisor

We come in regularly, help you define your vision, keep you on track and help develop a great team around you. We've walked in your shoes so will be with you every step of the way.

Let Go. Work on the business more, not in it. Build your legacy

Time to let go? You’ve worked hard, created something successful. But now may want to spend more time doing what you want, out of the business. For it to be less dependent on you whilst you ensure your legacy will flourish with and then beyond your involvement. Or simply there is no successor and you want to build value to exit.

Perhaps you are just stepping up to run the business and it’s time to run it differently, change the way things have always been done to get a better result. It can be tricky and lonely doing this - not being able to share stuff with your own team and also having no one you are accountable to.

Your experience in the business may be hard to replace, so we often help our clients build a Leadership & Management Team to help you let go, rather than a single successor. It's a journey we have led ourselves as MD in a complex family business, advised on as a Non Executive Director and for the last 7 years worked with our clients on.

We will come in regularly - which is often monthly for larger clients and quarterly for smaller ones. Work out plans together for both where you and the business is going, and how it is going to get there. We will look at your structure now and in the future, and also how you manage performance.

We can chair your Family, Executive or Business Board and hold regular reviews to keep everything on track, alongside coaching and developing your team's skill and confidence to step up.

So whether you want to let go and create an Exec team / board to take on running the business, want a strategy to take the business in a new direction, or simply want to run your business better, have a look here at how we have helped others like you and get in touch to arrange a chat.

A few clients we've made whole again.

David, is a source of inspiration who has helped us to view our business outside the box. This in turn has naturally allowed and given us permission to work on the business for some of the time rather than in the business which comes so naturally to business owners like Shaun and myself. The help and support of 3w Growth has played a crucial part in moving our growing business onto the next level. We look forward to continuing the relationship.

— Helen Cope

Director Trans-sport.tv Ltd